Friday, April 30, 2010

Moon Over Pierpont

Today being the last day of the semester and the weather warming again the students of Pierpont are all a twitter. This has happened in both previous Spring terms but I have not experienced yet what I did last night.

Last night we took the Student Conduct Board out to dinner at Olive Garden to thank them for their service. It was a nice dinner filled with student conversation and reflection on what they had done throughout the year. I returned home to a friend's phone call. While on the phone I hear a horn beeping non-stop and then the words,"Leave me alone I hate you." So I hang up the phone and proceed to the window to see what is happening for this evening.

When I peer out the window I see a familiar resident walking up the ramp. She does not hear me inquire about what is going on so I peer into the car sitting outside my window. What I think I see is a female resident mooning the other. I do a double take and in fact I have seen "The Moon." I then see the female cover her face and get on the phone. With nothing amiss but students being students I return the call to my friend chuckling the entire time.

As the evening progresses I find myself out in the lobby. The female who was walking up the ramp happens to enter Pierpont at the same time. I ask her, "So your friend was mooning you. I know you didn't see it but I did." Another female resident had entered the building with her and is turning bright red as I talking. She then states, "I am so sorry Dr. Ann it was me who mooned you. I am so embarrassed, I am sorry." With this I just start to laugh and tell her, "I had no idea who it was so you just told on yourself." She smiles and laughs along with me entering the elevator to her room as quickly as she can.

Oh yes it is Spring and all of the wonders that go along with it have sprung. Mooning over Pierpont, Studying in Pierpont, and just being Resdients at Pierpont is alive and well for another week. Oh Happy Days!!!