Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Freshmen of Pierpont

About two weeks ago we had a meeting of all the freshmen of Pierpont. Our goal of this meeting was to ask the freshmen to fill out some surveys that would give us more insight into how they studied as well as how they are adjusting to college. I was the skeptic and thought we would only have about 30 students show up, much to my surprise we had over 160 students come.

I opened the evening with. "Welcome Freshmen of Pierpont!" Over the summer Tracie and I had heard concern from both students and parents that Pierpont had to many upperclassmen. Although we tried to assure them this could be a benefit many of them were not buying it. As I watched the students look around the room and see all the others that were at the same place as themselves you felt an air of calm. They cheered and clapped for the Pierpont freshmen and then asked, "Why are we here?"

I explained to them that we are looking to assist them in their academic success and by filling out these surveys and follow-up in their UNIV 101 class we would assist them in becoming more organized. I watched as they filled out the questionnaires. They had their heads down and the room was quiet. They were concentrating.

We are just starting to look at the survey results now and are following up with a meeting next Wednesday. Hopefully we can answer there questions and address concerns.

The freshmen of Pierpont have united to address academics and see that there are others around.

Monday, September 13, 2010



I remember the first time I heard that. I was 14 years old and a member of the high school marching band here for Band day. I marched on the Old Mountaineer field with such big eyes, just thinking WOW I get to march on Mountaineer field. WOW

 It is time that we begin to change the tradtions of excessive drinking related to our team sports here at WVU. I know football has always been about the tailgate and the game but it is time that we focus on the team aspect of all of that.

GAMEDAY for me is about the feeling of fall in the air, friends and family gathering for  a WVU game with current students. Cheering for our team to get a win for all of us. I love to watch the students facees as they experience the Mountaineers for the first time.

Here at Pierpont Hall,  the crowd starts gathering around us about 8:00 o'clock in the morning. Cars slowly begin to filter in around us, people start walking all around. Gold shirts by the thousands stream up and down the road. From small children and little footballs to the big boys throwing the regulation football around you can feel it is the air. HERE COME THE MOUNTAINEERS.

All students need to be at the stadium 30 minutes before kickoff to here the Pride of West Virginia (The West Virginia University Marching Band) take to the field and bring the crowd to there feet with there opening songs. I can feel the chills down my back just writting about it.

LETS GO - Mountaineers!!!!

Monday, September 6, 2010

Learning--From the Dorm to the Classroom

Since my last post the announcement has been made that the RFL program will not be under academic affairs. Although the reporting lines have changed I do not see much change in the way I do my work with the students. I have always made social connections with students so I can then follow-up with my academic inquiries. With the third week (how did that happen so fast) about to begin this has already started.

The first week was met with students asking anything from, "Where do I catch the bus?" to "How do I change my schedule?" Whenever anyone on staff would walk into the lobby they were met with questions of new students navigating their way around WVU. Some students were even asking, "Do I want to go home?" For this questions we asked all these students to look around at the opportunities and to try WVU out for at least a semester so that they could find their niche. At the end of the week all questions were answered and the weekend was meant for celebrating.

The weekend brought more learning. Two students learned you never know when the RFLs are going to drive up. After dinner out on Saturday evening Brian and I arrived at the building to see one cool cat just hanging out outside our door and another placing a bag on the steps and then coming down. All we had to say was "Gentlemen bring down the bag with the beer'" for us to have our first alcohol violation of the year. Brian and I have at least one each a year. The two students were cooperative and learned that you never know when you will get caught so.....DON'T TRY.

Earlier on Saturday we learned a new way to strain spaghetti. Brian had noticed that there were towels hanging from windows on the second floor. He and a RA made there way to the room to inquire why the screens were removed. You need to know the screens in Pierpont are bolted in so students should not be able to hang things from their windows. When they arrived the students tried to teach Brian that they could handle the situation and he did not need to intervene. After some talking with the RA the story is that one the boys arrived home Friday night and wanted spaghetti. After boiling the spaghetti he realized he did not have a strainer. He then cut the screen so he could use it as a strainer. We learned, although quite disgusting, a new use for a screen. While the young man learned that $100 will buy you a new screen and a strainer. An expensive lesson to learn but one that will go down in the history books here at Pierpont.